Thursday, June 18, 2009

Value of All American City designation

For a good post of the value of All American City designation, go to

The comments are very insightful, particularily the June 16 one by Jim.

Wouldn't it be a better use of our officials time AND Pocomoke tax revenue if they redirected the efforts and funds being used to seek this award to addressing issues here. They can start with an open discussion and re-write of Pocomoke's election policy and procedures.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it would be nice to be an All American City I think, but aside from a sign to replace the "Finalist" sign we already have I don't think that there are any tangible, valuable byproducts. This is much unlike the Mainstreet Maryland Program which provides ecnonomic stimulus in eroding downtown areas.

    The All American City thingy is like cool whip...Is it nice to have...sure....if you've already got the strawberry shortcake. I'm still lookin for the berries...

