Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Thank You!

Thank you Stephanie and Billie at the Pocomoke Tattler for the welcome and introduction of Seeking Sunshine! I would not have thought to start an effort to have citizen debate about how our town governance could be improved if there had not been a Pocomoke Tattler.

I also want to encourage comments about the good things about, in and around Pocomoke. What is being done well that we can build on?

I think it will be important to remember that democracy, by its very nature, can be a messy and, at times, a confrontational process. We all have different perspectives so at times we will disagree. And that is okay. This is one of the beauties of democracy.

At this time comments to this blog can be made anonymously without having to register. The comments are being moderated, however. I noticed some comments on other sites are made to attack other posts without any constructive content. The one type of comment that most annoys me is "if you don't like it here, why don't you move." If I am critical of something, that does not equate to I don't like it. Making this comment to a critic of Pocomoke's government is very much like the little boy that owns the ball saying he is going to leave and take the ball if the game isn't played by the rules he wants. Its not fair play and not at all conducive to team work and maximizing citizen input.

1 comment:

  1. I must say i so like the style of this blogger!!
