Saturday, May 2, 2009

Wiretapping and such

Gubby 2 commented

In reference to Mr. Burke’s arrest for wiretapping which I think is "BS"; Mr. Burke got his point across and opened the eyes of a lot of people locally. It was and still is being discussed at one of the local establishments.

It is good that eyes got opened and I hope the discussion continues because it means people are thinking about the state of things in Pocomoke. I am stunned that the major even thought to confront and blast away at the Burkes like this. It was such an abuse of his position as mayor. I also don’t think it was very smart, especially with respect to self preservation and his interest in seeking other public office. That is regardless of any recording being done.

Obviously the mayor hates the Pocomoke Tattler and wants the Burkes to go away. But to be so arrogant in confronting them this way is astounding. And to do it when Stephanie Burke is a candidate in a town election tells me he meant to intimidate them as publishers of the Tattler and her as a candidate, thus interfering with the election. This is really stepping over the line. I hope it all comes out. Let the Sunshine in. I hope the judge is wise and finds the mayor should not have any expectation of privacy when berating private citizens and shouting in a conversation on the front steps of city hall with other people passing by.

I cannot fault the State’s Attorney for informing McDermott of the existence of the recording he received from Billy Burke. He was just doing his job. It is interesting that McDermott decided to file a complaint. Oh boy, got ‘em now. Let’s shut down that nasty Tattler.

Things happen for a reason. Now the stage is set. Maybe people will see that the emperor isn’t really wearing any clothes. I agree with the judge in the Salisbury blogger defamation case. If you can't take the heat as a public official, you really do need to get out of the kitchen. It goes with the territory.


  1. Thank you Sharon and Gubby,
    I too was flabbergasted when the Mayor was yelling at me and told me that if I "don't like it leave".
    What avenue as citizens in the United States do we have if we don't like the way things are being done? The answer is we run for office, and if elected we can work to change the laws or policies that we don't like.
    This is the very action that separates the men from the boys in our society. We can sit around forever and gripe about it, or we can stand up and run for office to change it.
    Anytime that a person runs for office because of their personal convictions they are taking the steps that our founding fathers so deeply believed in, and it is our duty as citizens to participate in this process. To support one candidate or the other.
    Additionally, people need to understand that when someone does take that step to run for public office, they are in fact opening themselves up to the most rigorous and often hostile public scrutiny.
    Knocking on doors, meeting and talking with your neighbors is wonderful, and my favorite part of campaigning. Listening to the concerns that our friends and neighbors have, and sharing ideas on how to fix things was all very rewarding.
    Pocomoke is filled with a lot of really great people. People that work hard to create a life for themselves, and they trust that there elected officials are doing what is in there best interest. Yet over and over again we discover they are not, and they are in fact perverting the office and title which they hold.

    Our city officials don't want change. They don't want 'sunshine' in the offices of City Hall. They have an institution, of manipulation, malfeasance and political corruption to protect. If an outsider is elected, who seeks accountability, and open government, they know it will only be a matter of time and the house of cards will collapse.
    The sad thing is that our citizens seems to be co-dependent on the city, like an abused spouse, who knows that what is happening to them is wrong, but is familiar with it and at least knows what to expect. The unknown if far too scary for them, and instead of getting out of the abusive relationship and set up healthy boundaries for themselves, they continue to live in the abuse.
    It is now time for citizens of Pocomoke to come together and discuss the Charter, and come to an ethical and workable decision on the very things that keep this government operating the way that it has. Teeth need to be added to it, with harsh consequences for not abiding by it.
    Accountability is essential on all levels and we should settle for nothing less.
    What, dear friends, neighbors and fellow citizens are you going to do with a City government that is handed to you if your city officials are found guilty in a voter fraud scheme?
    A scheme that was well thought out and carefully executed to silence your voice. Are you going to sit back and let it happen again?
    Are you going to stand up and say "You know I don't like the Burke's or their tactics, but right is right and wrong is wrong, and we must do something to change it, so it can't happen again".
    This is the place where We The People ensure better government; on the local level.
    It is imperative that we join together and work to make this city a better place for all of our citizens. A place where we all have a voice and our ideas are thoughtfully considered.
    If we don't stand in unison on this, then everyone who speaks out alone again will be pushed to the place where we were.

    Billy being arrested was a complete show of force for all of the good citizens of Pocomoke to beware and don't question their authority.
    I've seen less cops at a drug raid in this town than were here at my house on April 10th.
    Surrounding my home, siezing all of my electronics that did not contain evidence against me, but against them.
    All of my contacts, my appointments, my work...gone.
    My childrens computers...their homework, contacts,appointment, family pictures....gone
    Our new video camera with the only footage on it being the opening of the PO Box where the nearly two hundred absentee ballots was opened and counted by the Board of Elections, and the City Clerk.
    Will I get my equipment back in the condition that it was taken?
    Will my computers be fried?
    Will the disks be emptied of all my records and information?
    Where will they stop?
    Now is the time to speak up and demand that our City Government change. They can't arrest everyone, they can't take everyones video cameras and computers.
    They did this to my family because we made the most noise, and the Mayor incriminated the City Manager.
    Don't let our efforts be in vain, don't be afraid of them. If they are working this hard...What are they covering up?

  2. It is obvious there is a problem in our town's government. Too many question popping up, voter fraud, special investigations, special deals, questions of councilmans qualifications to be councilman, destroying doucments. The citizens of the town need to take a hard look of what's going on. I think there are foxes in the chicken house. We need to seperate the foxes from the dog's that are supposed to be guarding the house. It's coming to head very soon, we are going to see alot of finger pointing going on starting this week....Gubby2

  3. Politically; Pocomoke is no different than any other government entity, Governments and politicians work and do things with the premise that the people will forget. People do forget and/or do not pay attention to the actions of politics (life is too busy)unless it directly impacts them or their family. If the politicians ever do something that is good, you'll notice they repeatedly bring that fact up to ensure it's 'remembered' newspapers, TV, etc. over and over again.
    When the heat is on for something a politician has done illegal or immoral like 'voter fraud' it's hush-hush or.. they create something bigger to draw attention away from the wrong doing IE: 'swine flu' or an arrest of a citizen that they know will create a fuss to distract from the original offense.
    Armed with the knowledge of political history that the "regular" people will forget, Most do, it's much easier in a large city, but in a small city/town it will be more personal, there are those that don't care, those that don't know, those that will forget, and those that wont speak-up because they are friends/relatives with the offender or they are afraid of the retaliation.
    If you ever want to make a life long enemy, disagree with a politician.
